Phase 1 of an ACL Reconstruction Recovery (Weeks 0-3 Post Operation). Useful Exercises and Hints.

If you are reading this post, chances are you probably tore your ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and have recently been operated. From personal experience, I know how frustrating this is. It happened to me back in 2017. The diagnosis back then hit me harder than the injury itself and I honestly felt slightly depressed. It was a long and strenuous journey back to the fitness level I have now, and I want to share some of my experiences and exercises that helped me, with you. In hindsight, I could have recovered much more effectively and better, if I had the knowledge I have now. In the following I want to go over these useful (home) exercises and hints that helped me during my recovery.

Before I jump further into the content, I just want to mention you should consult your doctor and physiotherapist before doing any of the exercises I will be suggesting. Every injury is unique and requires a unique therapy, there is no one-size-fits-all model. Now that I have mentioned that, let's get going.



"Phase 1" of an ACL Recovery

What does that even mean "Phase 1"... Well it is a way for doctors and therapists to break down your recovery journey. Again, there are different approaches out there, and it is hard to categorize everyone and the unique reaction of the body to the operation and therapy. I will refer to the Phases which I described in an article already. When speaking of Phase 1 it is primarily the time you are still using crutches (approximately the first 3 weeks post operation).

This phase is one of the hardest and my best advice is that you accept the fact you are injured and start focusing on doing everything to get better. Don’t go down the path of willowing in your own misery (it doesn’t help you or anyone around you – trust me). Even if it seems hard, keep looking forward. This brings me to my first piece of Advice:

Set Goals.

Goals will help you through your recovery and this is something I didn’t do back when I was injured. In a quiet moment sit down and make a list of goals. What I would do is to go to the bottom of my page and set a bold goal. In my case, as a basketballer, something like: “dunking the basketball” (Note that this is something I was able to do before getting injured). From there I would work the list backwards to my current state: “jump to hoop, jump to backboard, jump to net […] walk bearing body weight, walk without crutches […] get operated”. Try to make these “sub-goals” as detailed as possible. The longer your list, the more steps you can check-off. I made a small template you can download here. I have added the “medical goals” too to give you an orientation for your goals. Lists also help me in everyday life, I think this is a great way of visualizing your recovery and seeing where you are in the process.

The Goal of Phase 1:

To give you some guidance for the first phase, the goal here is to decrease the swelling of the knee, manage full extension of your leg and being able to walk normally (normal gait pattern) again (without compensating, which can lead to muscle imbalances). You will probably still be using crutches (or one crutch) at the end of the 2-3 weeks. Concentrate on walking "normally" with the crutches. Take your time and follow your own pace and the recommendations of your doctor and physio therapist.

In the following I have 12 exercises that helped me during this phase. Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Consult your doctor and physio therapist before performing these exercises
  2. Quality over quantity! Don’t worry about repetitions – listen to your body and do not over-do it. Rest is also critical in this early phase after the operation
  3. Cool your knee to decrease the swelling. 10 minutes every now and then help a lot!
  4. Train both sides! Do all exercises on both sides to avoid muscle imbalances
  5. Have regular check-ups with your doctor and as much physio as possible.

Exercises to do at home

As mentioned above, be sure to consult your doctor or physiotherapist before performing these exercises first. (Download my free Home-Exercise pdf here).

When choosing exercises I focus on the ones that can be done at home in order to make better progress between your physio sessions. However, be aware that in the beginning your body will also need some rest to recover, so do not over do it. Rule #1 listen to your body. If you are sore and not feeling well, rest instead and look for other ways to help reach your goals eg. cooling for decreased swelling, etc. Note, all repetition ranges are rough guides. Do not feel obligated to meet the numbers, focus more on the sensation and improving steadily. The exercises in this stage focus on mobility/flexibility, gentle strengthening and balance/coordination.

  1. Heel Props - Flexibility
  2. Quad Sets - Strength
  3. Ankle Pumps - Strength
  4. Straight Leg Raises - Strength
  5. Heel Slides & Wall Slides - Flexibility
  6. Calf Stretch - Flexibility
  7. Massage Scars & Pattelar - Flexibility
  8. Flexion Hangs - Flexibility
  9. Side Leg Raises - Hip Abductions - Strength
  10. Side Leg Raises - Hip Adductions - Strength
  11. Hip Extensions - Strength
  12. Weight Shifts - Balance 

Exercise 1: Heel Props - Flexibility


Mobility & Stretching


Lying down

Set (“prop”) your foot onto either a black roll, pillow or rolled up towel, so it is high enough to lift your thigh off the ground you are lying on. Now let gravity do its job and allow your leg to ease into extension. Relax, focus on your breath. Hold the stretch for a couple of seconds and ease out of the stretch if you feel any discomfort.



Prop your leg up onto another chair while seated.



4x daily. 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 10-15 reps. Hold stretch a little longer.


Exercise 2: Quad Sets - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Into towel

Sit on the floor with your straight legs in front of you. Put a towel into the hollow of your knee. Activate the muscles of your leg and gently press down into the towel. Try to hold for a couple seconds.


Without towel

Sit on the floor with your straight legs in front of you. Put a towel into the bend of your knee. Activate the muscles of your leg and try to reach the floor with the hollow of your knee. Try to hold for a couple seconds.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 3: Ankle Pumps - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Ankle Pumps

Sit on the floor with your straight legs in front of you. Point and flex your toes to activate your calf muscles. Hold both pointed and flexed position for 1-2 seconds.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 4: Straight Leg Raises - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Lying down

While lying on your back, lift your straight/ extended leg without bending your knee. Stabilize your body through your healthy leg, arms and hands.



Sit on the edge of a chair. Lean slightly back and stabilize yourself by holding on to the sides of the chair and through your healthy leg. Lift your extended leg out in front of you.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 5: Heel Slides & Wall Slides - Flexibility


Mobility & Muscle Activation


Heel Slide

In a seated position or lying on your back, slide your heel toward your body until you feel your knee tightening. Stop if you feel any pain! Hold in position (pain-free) for a couple of seconds.


Wall Slide

Lie on your back with your feet up against the wall. Slowly slide your heel toward your body. Let gravity do the work for you.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 6 Calf Stretch - Flexibility


Mobility & Stretching



Sit upright on the floor with your straight legs in front of you. Wrap a towel, thera- or fitness band around your foot and gently pull it towards you, your leg staying as straight as possible.



4x daily. 30s



Hold stretch longer and for more reps


Exercise 7: Massage Scars & Pattelar - Flexibility




Massage Scars

Carefully massage your scars and the surrounding tissue


Pattelar mobilization

Carefully move your kneecap into all directions. (This might be uncomfortable to begin with, but it pays off!)



4-5 daily. Accompanying your exercises and whenever you have a moment of time


Exercise 8: Flexion Hangs - Flexibility


Mobility & Stretching


Sitting on table or high chair

While sitting on a table or higher chair let your feet hang down, creating a natural bend in the knee. Do as long as you are not feeling any pain



4-5x daily. Hold the stretch as long as you are not feeling any discomfort or pain



Hold stretch longer and even stretch further by adding weight through the other leg


Exercise 9: Side Leg Raises - Hip Abduction - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Hip Abductions (away from body):

Lie on your side stabilize yourself with your hands. Lift the top leg and move it upwards. Try to hold at top of the movement for a brief moment.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 10: Side Leg Raises -Hip Adduction - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Hip Adductions (toward body)

Lie on your side stabilize yourself with your hands. Bend your top leg and place the foot in front of your body. Lift the bottom leg and lift it upwards. Try to hold at top of the movement for a brief moment.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 11: Hip Extensions - Strength


Strengthening & Muscle Activation


Hip extensions

Lie on your belly. Lift your straight leg upward. Try to hold at top of the movement for a brief moment.



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps


Exercise 12: Weight Shifts - Balance


Muscle Activation & Balance


Shift weight front to back

While standing, shift your weight from the front to the back of your feet. Focus on the movement and sensation


Shift weight side to side

While standing, shift your weight from side to side or one leg to the other. Focus on the movement and sensation. Make sure you do not feel any pain!



4x daily. 1 set of 10-15 reps.

(front to back = 1 rep, Each side = 1 rep)



4x daily. 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

(front to back = 1 rep, Each side = 1 rep)


I Hope this helps your recovery. I would be happy to hear your feedback and if you want to connect and help others going through the same experiences you are, please post and share your experiences in our community.










DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.



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