Do Good! Donate Blood! Help Out!

donation Nov 11, 2020

Do Good! Donate Blood! Help Out!

Today I want to share some thoughts on the topic of blood. I am sure the vampires among you sitting at home in dark rooms are very interested. BUT this goes out to all healthy individuals that are willing to help out and do something good (and maybe even benefit themselves from it…). Although this does not directly have anything to do with athletic recovery, it can help others in need. Personally, I have only had excellent experiences when donating blood and was taken care of nicely. However, some people also have side effects like dizziness, nausea, or a bruise from the needle. This was not the case for me, though, and I really recommend finding a free timeslot and donating some blood. 


What is Blood Donation?

In case this is the first time you have heard of blood donation, let me tell you a little more about it. Blood donation is exactly what you imagine it to be. You go to your local blood-donating facility (usually the Red...

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